Sunday, December 15, 2013

Salzburg's Christmas Market: So Many People!

Hello again,

So the time has come to conclude this Bavarian vacation. Let me tell you about Salzburg... where the hills are alive with the sounds of crazy tourists bumping into each other at Christmas markets.

Last night, we went to the Christmas markets first. It was Saturday night (dumb idea on our part) on a weekend right before Christmas. The number of people at this Christmas market made me want to break out in hives. People just bump into each other holding their warm cups of gluhwein. I tried to see all of the ornaments but you couldn't really even get close enough to the stalls to buy anything. So, I tried Plan B. I located every single stall I wanted to buy from and planned to return early this morning. The view at night is wonderful... Christmas lights surround the entire town square and the view in the distance is the Hohensalzburg Castle. Click the link below to find out more.

So, this morning we had breakfast at the hotel. It was a bustling place, with a traditional European breakfast buffet (tea, coffee, deli meats, cheeses, bread, rolls, eggs, bacon, cereal, and yogurt). Then, we set off back down into the town center.

This morning was so much better! We got to the markets as they opened before the church crowd let out. We did sneak into the church where the von Trapps got married. A mass was going on- it was so cool! Note to tourists: Christmas markets are ridiculously more accessible during the day. I got tasty treats, ornaments, and knick knacks to bring home, all in under 45 minutes, thanks to my preview yesterday evening.

Then, we took the city bus to the other side of town across the river.

We wandered the streets and came across a little, tiny Christmas market serving BAKED POTATOES. Holy Cannoli. I got one with bacon, cheese, and GARLIC SOUR CREAM SAUCE. It was fantastic... deliciously warm, so garlicky, and easy to eat as we kept walking.

We walked through Getreidegasse, the more historic shopping district, where I found more delicious treats. It is a charming street with Christmas lights and virtually no cars driving through.

We ended our last evening of vacation at a little restaurant called Spaghetti and Company. It was adorable inside with black and white photographs of old Salzburg and wood panels. Peter had pizza... duh... and I had Penne Arrabiata. It was delightfully spicy- I was surprised as a lot of food in Europe is on the bland side. We finished eating with a bang- a homemade Apfelstrudel with vanilla ice cream and whipped cream. I will show you a picture. It beats every apple pie or apple dessert I have ever eaten in the U.S.

We wandered slowly back to the hotel, taking in the views. We now sit in the hotel room, preparing to pack and watching the Sound of Music... which... surprisingly... runs 24 HOURS A DAY HERE ON T.V. Between Mozart and Sound of Music, the Austrians have it goin' on.

We have a long day of travel tomorrow and thus concludes Bavarian Christmas Tour 2013. As we prepare for Christmas in the coming days, I am thankful for you, those wonderfully special readers and friends to Peter and I.

"Welcome, Christmas, bring your cheer. Cheer to all Whos far and near. Christmas Day is in our grasp, so long as we have hands to clasp. Christmas Day will always be just as long as we have we. Welcome Christmas while we stand, heart to heart, and hand in hand."

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Katie and Peter

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