Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Welcome to Canada!

Hello all,

What a slacker I am. So, I wrote detailed notes about our Northeast Vacation 2013 but I never posted them. So, coming to you 5 months late are the details of our trip. Here we go with part 1...

Bonjour Friends,
It is Day 2 of vacation and there is lots to tell! We left Frederick on Friday at 3 pm. It rained the ENTIRE time we drove Friday night. Our first stop was at Cabello’s somewhere in Pennsylvania, the largest hunting store I have ever been to. It is one step above a typical Bass Pro Shop because the stuffed animals are posed in violent positions… this particular Cabello’s has two bears attacking a moose… classy. I didn’t take a photo in case any younger audience members are reading.

Throughout this trip we have decided to find as many license plates as we can. Currently, I am winning with 23- five of which are Canadian provinces. Petey is slacking with 15- none of which are Canadian. I win.
We made it to North Jersey around 8:30 pm. We checked in at a quality Courtyard Marriot- still in the pouring rain. Then, we went in search for any food available. It took us 20 minutes just to find an Applebee’s because Jersey does not allow drivers to turn left. There are virtually no stop lights, just jug handles. So, we drove all over creation and arrived 20 minutes later. We had a fabulous waiter, a young guy who told us he had been to Baltimore and he “loves our food.” To which I thought to myself, of course he loves our food. Maryland is the best state there is.

The next morning, we left around 9 am. The hotel provided breakfast for $13 a person… we did not partake in this costly endeavor. Dunkin Donuts had to suffice. One chocolate frosted donut and an iced coffee later, we were on the road. We drove into New York and found a delightful little cupcakery called Fluffilicious in Albany. OMG. It was right off the high way… I had a chocolate chip cookie dough cupcake… consisting of vanilla cake, sugary vanilla icing, a soft scoop of cookie dough in the center, and chocolate chips. The cookie dough center was outstanding… the icing was very intense. I gave this cupcake 3.5 out of 5 sprinkles. I told the lady that I belong to THE Cupcake Club in Maryland… she did not seem too intimidated… ahem.
Then, we drove for another 3 hours up to Lake George in New York. It is like Deep Creek Lake on steroids- the lake is about 20 times the size of Deep Creek and goes on FOREVER. The little towns surrounding Lake George remind me of the summer homes in Dirty Dancing. Super cute place to vacation with a family. We stopped at a place called Cate’s CafĂ©. It was a little pizzeria with dining al fresco. We split one piece of cheese pizza and ordered a cheese and pepperoni calzone. The pizza was great- thin crust with olive oil and tasty, crispy cheese. The calzone… two thumbs down. L It was not cooked all the way through and full of ricotta cheese and mozzarella. We all know how scared Petey is of ricotta cheese and cream cheese- he couldn’t eat it. Oh well… still a charming place to stop.

Back on the road… we stopped at one rest stop right outside of Canada. They had a payphone. Really? I don’t think I have seen one of those in a long time…

Then, we reached the Canadian Border! Bonjour! We waited for 30 minutes to get through in a nice long line. One of the cars next to us was the Gucci Fiat 500. Classy. I guess?

When we crossed into Canada, it was very much like the U.S. in its terrain. But we thought the land would start to look a little different eventually. Nope… we had to drive about 2 hours to get to Quebec City. It was the straightest strip of highway I have ever been on in my life. SO BORING! And boy, do the Canadians LOVE techno. On the trip, we listened to Ace of Base songs over and over and over again. Since the strip of driving was so boring, we decided to play the alphabet game and find a written word somewhere on the scenery from A to Z in order. This became an intense game, I and Z being the toughest letters. We searched for a solid 30 minutes to find a word beginning with Z. I finally won this game too with the word Zone. Boo yah.

We entered Quebec City around 7:30 pm and found our hotel. The hotel is very modern and clean. But they want $22 to park your car. Mmmmm not so much. So, we found some parking and walked back to the hotel to check in. Back out into Canada we went to find dinner.

So maybe I didn’t realize how French the Canadians really are but holy cow! We walked down the street to find some dinner and EVERY restaurant had snails on the menu. ARE YOU SERIOUS? SNAILS? REALLY? IS THIS A JOKE?

We searched LONG AND HARD before arriving at a little teeny restaurant advertising pizza and pasta. Petey tried a cheese pizza and I got a small bowl of penne pomodoro. The bread was fresh and they served Coke which I needed to settle the bile rising in my throat at the thought of slippery, slimy snails going down. The best part of this dining experience was the waiter. He came back to our table at the end of the night and said, “Have a good evening, eh?” How stereotypically Canadian! LOVE IT!

We then happened upon a gelato shop. Petey selected Mint Chocolate Chip and I chose Cappucino. It is crazy how gelato settles even the most upset of stomachs. Then, we strolled back to the hotel. I will have to save today’s adventures for the next entry. Stay tuned- there is a near-death experience and a big improvement in the arena of food. No worries.


KT and PD

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