Tuesday, December 10, 2013

From Canada to New Hampshire!

Dear Friends,

A few more days have passed and I have been a major slacker keeping up with my blog! So here we go… Sunday morning we woke up and had a coffee and little snack from Starbuck’s. Then, we jumped in our trusty Fit and went to find the giant waterfall in Quebec City. We paid $11 to enter the park, about 15 minutes away from our hotel. We had to walk a wooden boardwalk pathway and when we got to the bridge that goes across the waterfall, I was scared to death. It was SO HIGH ABOVE THE GROUND! Peter walked back and forth on the bridge, taking dangerous photos and I hid on the side. I could not cross it. It was a repeat of my death defying trip up the Eiffel Tower. The waterfall was beautiful but then it was time to move on.

We searched for some food that was familiar and not disgusting. We found PFK…Poulet Fried Kentucky. The Canadian version of Kentucky Fried Chicken. It was not chicken, that’s for sure. The fries were good but the popcorn chicken should never be spoken of again.

We got back in the car and went to the historical part of Quebec City. The streets are virtually all cobblestone with tacky souvenir shops and gelato. We wandered the streets on this warm Sunday noting again how no one spoke English. Silly me! I purchased the most bitterly sour lemonade ever and we returned to cool off at the hotel.

For dinner, I was rather traumatized so Petey tried a different route for me. He suggested we go to the grocery store and buy little sandwiches. JACKPOT! The grocery store was a 5 minute walk from our hotel so we wandered there and selected a super cheap dinner. I had a delicious chicken salad roll and Petey had a ham sandwich he claimed was so good he wanted to buy 3 more. We wandered back to historic Quebec City where I found the best Canadian ornament of all: a bear carving painted as the Canadian flag. Eh? We ended the night sitting in a park with giant cannons and people watching…

On Monday morning, we woke up and left Canada super early. We had a long drive back into the U.S. and I needed some ‘merican normalcy. We drove from 9 am until about 12 and we happened upon the U.S. border! HALLELUJAH! We waited for 45 minutes in line and then hauled you know what on Vermont’s mountain roads.

We made a quick detour at Pizza Hut… seeing as how there were no little restaurants around. We ate lunch next to a giant gang of Canadian bikers who spoke like pirates. They laughed a lot so we laughed too.
We jumped back into the car to travel another hour or so to the White Mountains of New Hampshire. We made one more stop at Bishop’s Homemade Ice Cream shop. I had a brownie sundae with one giant scoop of coffee ice cream on top. The brownie was like chocolate dough, thin, and so smooth. The coffee ice cream was very mild in the way only homemade ice cream can be. OMG I couldn’t finish it. It was so delicious on this hot day. In this same town, we also found a horse cemetery. This creeped Petey and I out beyond belief so OF COURSE we had to go see it. Turns out this old man who lived in that town buried his horses because they were his only children. Bizarre little place…

We arrived at The Mount Washington Hotel at around 4:30 pm. This hotel is ABSOLUTELY in my top 3 hotels and vacation spots EVER. Holy cannoli. It looks like a majestic white castle set in front of the backdrop of the glorious White Mountains. It has a huge plantation house feel with a front porch that goes on forever. The hotel rooms are the perfect cross between Bed and Breakfast feel with modern amenities. It feels like home. I love every ounce of this place…

Last night we had dinner at Margarita Grill, a tex-mex style restaurant down the road. The cornbread here was TO DIE FOR, cut into giant triangles, a perfect blend of corn, flour, and sweetness. The texture was consistently fluffy. Peter also tried the local beer here and now we shall be on the hunt for more tomorrow before we leave! The tacos we had were fair, not spicy enough here up North.

We also played a rousing round of mountain mini golf in which I won (and by I, I mean Peter). On the drive home we saw a REAL MOOSE! HE WAS HUGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We capped off this beautiful day by having a drink out on the hotel porch at 10 pm. It was so magnificent, I haven’t been this relaxed in quite some time. The bartender made me the most ridiculously delicious bay breeze ever- adding a splash of orange juice in it. We explored the first floor and basement of the resort before retiring to our room. In the basement, there is a prohibition style speakeasy that has been here since the early 1900’s when the hotel was built. It is so freakin’ cool with a cave feel. The history tells of guests who drank alcohol from tea cups there during the Prohibition. The Gold Room here is also where the International Monetary Fund’s regulations were determined and signed in 1944. Cool, eh?

I shall share the best day of our adventure next…

Love to all,

KT and PD

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