Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Welcome to the Wild, Wild West.

Greetings from Colorado!

As I sit here on our couch in our new apartment in Colorado, I am reflecting on the whirlwind these past few months have been. After months of preparation and help from our beloved family and friends, our house in Maryland is ready to rent and we made the trek across the beautiful United States with two ANGRY kitties only to arrive in the glorious (and different) state of Colorado.

We left early in the morning on Sunday, August 23rd, in order to make good time but also because one cat wouldn’t stop patrolling the hotel room and crying out that he saw something (himself) in the mirrors. We watched the sun come up in Western Maryland that morning and I spent time thinking about the summers Petey and I have shared at Rocky Gap and now in the gem that is Berkeley Springs. Maryland is the ultimate state and I won’t forget that even if I take this extended vacation for awhile… J

We made our first stop in Morgantown only to find out one kitty threw up all over himself while the other kitty had a … poopsplosion in his crate. After a particularly hysterical low point, we ate breakfast and cleaned the cats up. I have yet to stop snickering about this situation even almost two weeks later… we drove a total of eight hours on day 1 and made it to our ambitious goal of Indianapolis by evening! The cats were furious by the end of day 1 and Sanka proceeded to hide under the only chair in the hotel room. Petey and I had dinner at Olive Garden and then passed out in the hotel at 7 pm. We awoke thankful that Sanka did not feel the need to patrol that particular hotel room (this could be due to the fact that we used blankets to cover all the mirrors).

On Day 2, we drove another eight hours and made it to Kansas City, MO. The cats cried the entire 8 hours… Petey eventually had to just put headphones in to drown them out. We stayed next to the Kansas City Royals stadium- and guess who was in town that night when we were? THE BALTIMORE ORIOLES! I was so happy that MD was following me. We had dinner at a great college dive bar called Minksy’s and then went to sleep early again.

On Day 3, we had a short journey of about 4 hours, stopping in a teeny, tiny town called WaKeeny, Kansas- population 1,000 people. You can drive the entire town in literally 5 minutes. It was awesome! We ate dinner at a Pizza Hut- one of about 4 restaurants open in the town and went swimming in the hotel pool. The next morning, we ate at a glorious little restaurant called Two Blondes Bakery. We had cinnamon roll French toast, hashbrowns, and bacon with the locals and talked to the ladies who owned the restaurant. We packed up the kitties then and drove the 4 hours in to Colorado with howling meows the entire end of the journey.

After 3 more nights in a hotel, we got our apartment keys and the awesome moving team unloaded all of our furniture and boxes. And here we are.

I am consumed with thankfulness and gratitude for our families and those we are so blessed to call our friends. While saying “See you later” to many of you in the past few weeks was not an easy task, I love you all and think about you every day. Start planning your trips out west because we have a guest room and bathroom that are both #killinit and ready for you.

Already, Petey and I are enjoying spending more time together than we have ever had. His commute is 15 minutes to work and he gets out earlier than back home. We have gone to the pool in our apartment community (BIG DEAL because we never went to the pool the entire time we lived in our house in MD) and taken evening drives all over Colorado to soak in the magnificent sunsets. Each weekend, we have big plans to head to the mountains and learn how to relax- a skill that both of us suck tremendously at.
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Happy September to you and yours! J


The Wileys out West

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