Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Paris, the City for Lovers. Day 1.

Bonjour!! We arrived in Paris on Sunday evening. Our hotel is called Hotel Gabriel. It is what one would call a "detox" hotel. It is based on detoxing from the stresses of the world. In other words, all of the snacks in the mini bar are healthy. Like sesame seed bars and fruit and stuff. Ho Hum. The hotel room itself is beautiful and the people who work here are very kind.

Sunday evening, we wandered off to see Champs Elysees. As we happened to be wandering around, it began to pour. So, we stood underneath a tree and I ate my first crepe in Paris. It was quite good! Lots of Nutella; however, the crepe was a pre-made one that just has to be heated up. Little did I know, that I would eat the best crepes of my life tomorrow.

We retired to bed early so we could get up early Monday morning. For breakfast, I had a banoffee muffin: banana and toffee. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. The bread was so soft and the toffee was soooooo gooey. I want to try to make them at home. :) Then, we went to see the Avenue Des Champs where the most giant Louis Vutton store is on the face of the planet. Boy, are the people that work there S-N-O-B-B-Y. We were going to eat on the Avenue but the food was 9 million Euros each so we went on to Sacre Coeur. This is a giant church and we paid to go to the top. It offers a 360 degree view of Paris and the view is amazing! We climbed 300 steps each way to go up and down. :) We ate spaghetti and pizza for lunch... that's what most of the restaurants serve over here and it is not as good as Italy. Here, is where I had my second crepe... fresh off of the crepe maker and FANTASTIC. Pancakey and soft and gooey. As we got ready to leave, we saw this street performer doing tricks with a soccer ball. He ended up climbing the light post while balancing the soccer ball on random places of his body. It was such an amazing show! I couldn't believe half of what we were seeing. Below is a picture from the view of the church and the guy doing tricks. :)

After a little rest at the hotel, we went out and took cheesy photos (see above) before going to a restaurant called Bugsy's. It is a British pub that Peter eats at every time he is in Paris. Lord and Taylor, their food is phenomenal. I had a giant chicken club... fresh white meat chicken, cheddar cheese, bacon, and mayo on toasted wheat bread. Oh Baby. This was my favorite meal by far and now I know why Peter comes here each time. Now, I am happy that I can imagine him here when he is travelling this year.

When we got back to the room, we watched a lot of the coverage of the London riots. BBC has broadcast it constantly  and it is horrid. I feel so terrible for these people who are losing their self-made businesses while heathens destroy their city. I can't imagine participating in such an awful scenario as this. People surely are disturbed.

Next, I will tell you about Paris, Day 2. The day I saw the Eiffel Tower up close. :)


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