Monday, August 1, 2011

London, Bath, and the Iron Bridge, oh my!

Wow. So last night I drafted this delightful post about all of the cupcakes I ate and guess what? The internet deleted it. Stupid international internet. Bah humbug. Let me try again...

We finished London like a 200 meter sprint to the finish line... in the following order:
-visiting Harrod's (the UK version of Macy's complete with a sushi bar and cupcakery in the middle. I had a red velvet mini and a carrot cake mini cupcake. Bread=dry, cream cheese icing=licked off the box they came in)
-a run to Buckingham Palace: No Kate sighting. No Will sighting. No Queen sighting. No Harry sighting. Sigh.
-a run to the British Museum. Peter was determined to see the Rosetta Stone. So we did.
-eating a Nutella and Cream Crepe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-visiting Hummingbird Cupcakery: home of the black bottom cupcake. A chocolate cupcake with cream cheese and chocolate chips plopped in the center followed by cream cheese icing and chocolate chip shavings. This is a cupcake designed by God Himself... to share with humans like us as a little piece of Heaven. I am going to be writing to Georgetown Cupcakes upon returning home to tell them to whip some up. :) Please note the Health Center photo in the background. Bah ha ha ha.

-eating at a London McDonald's. They serve mozzerella sticks there with a spicy salsa dip. Who would have "thunk" it?
-strolling through Notting Hill looking for my best, dear chum Jude Law. He was not there Saturday evening. Sigh.
-walking rapidly across the Tower Bridge.
-visiting the Sherlock Holmes house Sunday morning. 221b Baker Street. Insert cheesy photos of myself with a Holmes wax figure.

We then hopped a train at Paddington Station (home of Paddington Bear OF COURSE, WHO ELSE?) and rode to Bath, home of the Roman Baths. This is a delightful shopping district, full of tearooms and Burger King (who serves cheese bites with chilli peppers in them), and people watching in between. We dined at a place called Garfunkel's late Sunday night, where the girl sitting next to me was wearing a cheetah dress, cheetah heels, cheetah purse, and cheetah hair bow. I was jealous and appalled at the same time. Bath was the first place in which I participated in afternoon tea. I also ate another cupcake: banana bread with a caramel filling and cream cheese icing with chocolate shavings. Oddly tasty.

This morning, we hit the ground running and did not stop. Breakfast at the hotel included a pot of tea, pancakes, and bananas. People here sure do love their bananas. And yes, Jonesy, I did not eat the crust of the pancakes. I left a nice little ring on my plate. Bah ha ha ha. We picked up our rental car... as Peter began driving on the left side of the road with a wheel on the right side, I cried. A lot. It is so scary when the cars come the other way. He handled it like a pro while I got myself so flustered I covered my ears. Don't ask me why covering my ears helps in a situation like a potential car accident, but it gives me comfort. Bah ha ha ha that sounds dumb.

We did Stone Henge in 15 minutes... we literally ran around the stones. Back in the car to Highclere Castle. Home of the guy who found King Tut's tomb. These people have money. Lots of money. Can you imagine? "Oh yeah, by the way that's my 29 bazillion dollar castle in the English countryside right here. I let people take tours through it and admire how rich I am." It was unbelievable. Who has castles like that in the U.S.? So cool. Here is where I ate my first English scone in the wildflower garden of the castle. With clotted cream and raspberry jam. There are no words to describe the joy I felt as I took that first bite. Slightly crunchy on the outside and deliciously moist on the inside. The English have it right. I say we take tea time every day.

On to Oxford College, where Peter's dad took a summer class at Trinity College. We ran through, taking photos and visiting the bar where Tolkien and C.S. Lewis wrote their famous stories. Back in the car, stopping at a rest stop to try the UK version of KFC. It is the same, except for the fries. Here, they do Burger King-like fries. Peter was sorely disappointed.

We arrived in Iron Bridge around 8 pm tonight and collapsed at the hotel. Here I sit. Tomorrow, Peter wants to see the first cast iron bridge ever made. To appease me, we have also located a cupcakery called Queenie's, where all cupcakes are named after royalty. I am appeased.

One final thought... I forgot my "wellies" at home and it may rain in Scotland. Wellies are rainboots. This shall be my new favorite word. :)

Katie and Petey

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