Thursday, August 4, 2011

Country to City to Country again.

Hello friends. We are now in the Lake District. Home of PETER RABBIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But first, let me catch you up on our travels.
Tuesday morning, we got up early and went to see the Iron Bridge. Peter took a bazillion photos of this giant bridge while I searched for the cupcake shop. And believe me… Queenie’s Cupcakery more than delivered. Below, you will see photos of three different kinds: chocolate and chocolate (Peter sticks with the same flavor), Strawberry cheesecake, and Snickerlicious. Strawberry cheesecake was phenomenal. The cake was vanilla with real strawberry pieces baked in throughout. The icing was a fantastic feast of cream cheese with a strawberry on top. Snickerlicious was the richest cupcake I have tasted thus far: chocolate cake with a nutty peanut butter AND caramel center followed by chocolate icing on top. The peanut butter here is AMAZING!

After our 45 minute detour in Iron Bridge, we drove onward to Liverpool. On our drive through Liverpool, it rained for the first time. The Brits here think they are in a heat wave and the news is advertising it that way. It is a scorching 75 degrees here. We have literally seen kids running through waterfalls at different shopping centers and people going shirtless because they are so hot. The sheep lay down and breathe in and out so heavily from the “heat.” I want to share with the Brits all about Maryland summers. Maybe they will faint when I tell them?
We arrived in Liverpool around 2 pm or so. You want to know what it’s like? A big, dirty, giant Baltimore Inner Harbor! I felt like I was home. J  Liverpool is home to a bar called Cavern Club where the Beatles played their first show. Needless to say, the city is overrun with the BEATLES SOUVINERS AND TOURS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We went shopping around Albert’s Dock and found a giant shopping center called Liverpool One. We dined on Pizza Hut (not at all like our version… trust me when I tell you our version is 100 times better. Did you know NO ONE serves ranch dressing here? A major issue when you dip your pizza in ranch dressing).  The waiter told me I had an “amazing accent” when he took our order. I laughed. I failed to tell him that Petey and I have been practicing our British accents all week. I haven’t yet been brave enough to try it out on anyone. What if they call me out and know I am a phony? Hmm. After Pizza Hut, I visited the Cath Kidston store… THE BRITISH VERSION OF VERA BRADLEY OF COURSE! It is going to be all the “bloody rage” over in the States here shortly. The bags are just lovely. *Are you impressed with all of the British language I am using?* Please refer to the website below so you can jump on the fashion bandwagon.

After a quick nap, we ventured out to take our photo at the front of Cavern Club. There were tons of “starving musicians” on the street corner and people singing Beatles songs for karaoke at the pubs. But apparently, Brits like to go to bed early or go to the pub. All restaurants and shops but pubs close down in Liverpool around 8 pm. So… McDonald’s for dinner again. It is the cheapest option really… England is the most expensive place on Earth.

This morning, we helped ourselves to brekkie… toast and jam with a spot of tea. Then, off to the Lake District. Upon arriving, I ran to the Beatrix Potter attraction. I made Peter pose with EVERY SINGLE PETER RABBIT picture and display there was. The Beatrix Potter Tearoom had the best food I have had so far on the trip: a scone with jam and butter, a “tuna mayo” sandwich on white bread, and “root vegetable soup” with a pot of tea. Tuna mayo is just tuna, mayo, lemon juice, and pepper. So fresh and similar to Gypsy’s Tearoom in Westminster. The tearoom is decorated with scenes from the Beatrix Potter stories. When I have babies, their rooms will be decorated with Peter Rabbit stuff… and cupcake stuff. A Peter Rabbit bakery theme if you will…

 Then, we drove up to Kirkstone Pass. The road to get there is ½ the size of roads in the U.S. and they are two lanes. The Brits don’t slow down either. We stopped at all of these random places so I could speak with the sheep. Here is where we also began to use the camera timer to stage cheesy photos with the English mountains and countryside in the background. I will post one below.

Tonight, we journeyed into Keswick for pizza and ice cream. Now, we relax at the hotel playing Angry Birds. Tomorrow it is on to Scotland!

Cheers to my homies,

1 comment:

  1. kate, the lake district is so awesome. im green with envy. its where Wordsworth was inspired to write. AND you saw The Cavern Club! i love you both, hope you are having fun. Ask or look for tours about Robert Burns in Scotland.

    your loyal anglophile brother
