Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Paris, the city of the Eiffel Tower, Day 2.

So, Tuesday was the day in which I embraced the jumping photos. But first, let me catch you up on the day. Tuesday we slept in really late and then went to visit KFC (people over here are really into KFC... I am surprised it is KFC that has taken off rather than say, Taco Bell or Chic-Fil-A). Anywho, I had chicken tenders with CURRY DIPPING SAUCE. Mother of Pearl we need some of that dipping sauce back in the States.

Then, we headed to the Musee du Louvre.. home of the Mona Lisa painting and various other important pieces of artwork. Well guess what? They are closed on Tuesdays. But that didn't stop us. We took photos outside and made plans to return tomorrow. Here is the start of the jumping photo sessions:

Bah ha ha ha. People around here are like "Crazy American." Then, we walked all the way to the Eiffel Tower... Petey calls it the Eiffel Tiffel. This was a very long walk full of people watching. And then... there it was. Seeing the Eiffel Tiffel was my favorite part of this vacation, I think. It looked exactly as I had imagined but just so much more humongous. It is beautiful. See photos below.

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