Thursday, July 5, 2012

Being a model in the Swiss Alps is tough but someone has to do it...

Let’s talk about the Swiss Alps again, shall we? Today, we visited the towns of Lauterbrunnen and Interlaken. Lauterbrunnen is a quick hop on a train and then the gondola, dropping 1,000 feet at a steady pace. Petey took a nice candid shot of me gripping the seat and praying that I would not plummet to my death. See below.

Lauterbrunnen has a ginormous waterfall that we hiked to the top of. The water shoots out of the mountains with a rather violent force and the steps up to the waterfall are SO STEEP! We took lots of cheesy photos here and then did a little shopping in the town. 

Then, we hopped on another train to go to Interlaken. Interlaken is a VERY WEALTHY resort town in the Swiss Alps, imagine bazillion dollar watch stores and jags driving down the strip. Guess what we found for lunch? That would be Hooter’s… bah ha ha ha. We had boneless wings and this whole experience struck my funny bone.

Afterwards, we trekked through town so Petey could buy a REAL, AUTHENTIC, Swiss Army Knife. The version he selected has a: toothpick, bottle opener, two knives, screwdrivers (both Philips head and flat head), a can opener, and tweezers. He is quite pleased with his purchase. I selected a cow teapot to add to my collection. It is white with black spots and a little cow sits on the handle.

We rode the trains and gondolas back up the mountains to Murren and decided to get dinner to go so we could eat on the balcony for our last night here. I just had to go back and visit Mr. and Mrs. Tham so I chose chicken fried rice and Petey had… any guesses? Think carefully… PIZZA! We also shared a DELICIOUS Swiss Milk Chocolate bar- it is 100% better than Hershey’s. It tastes like hardened hot chocolate. So creamy. AH-MAZING.

We decided to go on a long walk after dinner and thought it would be mildly entertaining to take model photos. This turned into a 45 minute session that slayed me. I was laughing so hard, I couldn’t pull myself together. We had to use the self-timer and wait for people to pass by us so they didn’t make fun of us. Petey is very good at model faces. Of course, I have our best Abercrombie and Fitch shots below for your viewing pleasure. Let me know which you think I should submit to Abercrombie or GAP.

Tomorrow, we set out early for Luzern. We have to pack this evening and I will investigate the internet situation at our next hotel tomorrow afternoon.

Until then,
Your friendly models… Tyra (Katie) Banks and Mr. GQ

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