Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Vacation 2011: The U.K.F. Food Frenzy

And so it begins... Peter and I are heading to England, Scotland, and France for the road trip of a century. :) God Bless Peter for planning this entire vacation down to every minute detail. I have not been the slightest bit of help to him with planning the details because I can't sit still long enough to preview hotels or places to visit. When he asked me what I most wanted to see in the U.K. or France I replied, "Crepes, fish and chips, scones, afternoon tea, cupcakes... and Kate Middleton." So, Peter google earthed the closest pubs, tearooms, and cupcakeries across our journey. Woo hoo! Kate Middleton is the last detail we haven't worked out yet- I sure hope I see her from afar on our trip so I can wave. After all, I did purchase a fake sapphire engagement ring to wear while I am there as well as numerous giant headbands. My first souvenir stop is for a giant hat. Sweet.

Fingers crossed and prayers for a safe flight. First stop is London!

The "Wileyingtons"
(We need to sound more like British Royalty while we are over there...)

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