Friday, October 2, 2015

A Magical Birthday

Hello all!

Happy October! We have officially survived one whole month away from the East Coast- we are handling it like champs. For Peter’s birthday, we got to spend five glorious days with our dearest friends, Kyle and Aleece!

We flew to LA last Wednesday and began our adventure with me seeing the Pacific Ocean for the very first time. Bucket List item checked off. Then, we went to the Dodgers game to enjoy front row seats behind the dugout, courtesy of Kyle and his work. I do enjoy a good baseball game, solely because the food is delicious. This adventure did not disappoint… we got to eat a catered meal of cheese steaks, pasta, salad bar, AND A DESSERT BAR. We also got free peanuts, nachos, and soft pretzels while in the stands. The food was the best part. J
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On Thursday (Peter’s Birthday!), we woke up and went to the beach in Santa Monica. Peter tried surfing for the first time with Kyle while I ran along the beach. Then, the four of us began our road trip to Yosemite! Peter and Kyle’s 10 year dream of visiting Yo-Se-Mite came to fruition. We drove for about 5 hours before arriving at our cabin for the weekend in June Lake. June Lake is about 1.5 hours from Yosemite. It is a beautiful town full of lakes and mountain peaks. We went grocery shopping and then had pizza on the deck that night, telling stories of old times.

On Friday, we headed to Yosemite! We did some light hiking and took beautiful photos in the sunshine. I did not realize Yosemite is such a humongous National Park… 1,169 square miles to be exact. We shared our lunch with a squirrel, swam in a small river, and even had a drink on the lawn of the Ahwahnee Hotel. We took our time wandering back and stopped for dinner at the Mobil Gas Station. Aleece described this glorious restaurant at the gas station and it led up to its reputation! After we devoured some chili, meatloaf, carnitas tacos, and a burger (can you guess which one of us ate what?) we drove back and played a wicked game of Harry Potter Clue! Aleece and I made the boys a chocolate pudding birthday cake with Hershey’s icing and they blew out their candles together… celebrating a friendship of 30 years. J

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Saturday was a joyously relaxing day spent on the lake, taking naps, dinner at the Tiger Bar, drinks at the June Lake Brewing Company, and a night time stroll to see the stars. 
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We got up Sunday and drove back to LA- having just enough time to eat DELICIOUS burgers at Plan Check (Kyle and Aleece’s go-to place), see the Santa Monica Pier and enjoy some Rita’s together before Petey and I flew home.

We are so thankful for the time we got to spend with Kyle and Aleece last weekend- friends are certainly those extra family members we choose for ourselves and I am so glad I have been witness to the love that Peter and Kyle share. I am also so thankful for Aleece’s friendship and her love of adventure, board games, and good food! Cheers to many more years of journeys together!

Now, Peter is 30! We have spent 14 of his birthdays together. I couldn’t ask for a more amazing partner in this constant change we call life. I love you Bub!

Happy Weekend to you all!


Katie and Peter